Sunday, April 19, 2009

Improve your golf swing for better results

Understanding the fundamentals will help you improve your golf swing. Some people have funny looking golf swings, pros even. You need to understand the fundamentals behind the golf swing to truly improve your swing for better results.

Fundamentals are building blocks upon which you will improve your swing and connect the club face directly to the ball. This basic concept will improve your accuracy as well as distance. And that is after all your ultimate goal when you go out and start playing in the golf course. Distance without accuracy in a golf swing will leave you in a difficult place and not wanting to play anymore. This can be a real pain in the neck when you're trying all day long and playing your best golf.

Try these few tips before you hit the golf course to improve your golf swing:

Chipping is a good warm up exercise, try to concenctrate on the contact and slow down your swing.
Starging with the PW first and working your way down to the driver is good practice as well.

Check your posture and grip while doing half swings and full swings.

To really improve your game you must measure it, focus and concentration is required to improve you golf skills.

While watching the pros during tournaments you will notice them measuring their game and continously verifying and improving. You need to measure where you might be falling short and improve in that area if you truly want to improve you golfing.

The only way you can really improve your golf game is to build on the facts - not speculate based on theory. If you sat in front of Tiger Woods and asked, "should I measure my game" what do you think he would say? Why is Tiger Woods an excellent golfer, he is good because he consistently practices and more importantly he consistently knows what to practice, its just that simple.

Click here to visit the Simple Golf Swing website.